Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Our creche (Nativity scene) is somewhere on the ocean between LA and Izmir.
We had to find a plan B for this year and nothing is better than using our own skills.

It was a family project

We recycled Juice bottles to make houses and we got from France the paper figurines. Even Baptiste was part of the project (not good for our tape consumption)

It was a nice family moment and at the end, the result is not so bad, isn't it ?

We can now wait for baby Jesus to come on Christmas eve...
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  1. ah ! je vois que le pomme d'api noel etait de la fete... j'espere que les enfants ont aime cette histoire de l'Avent ?!

  2. Pas mal! Moi je me suis arrêtée à l'étape: prendre des pinces à linge en bois... Ah... on n'en a pas...!
    Bravo pour le résultat, le jeu en valait la chandelle!
