Thursday, August 6, 2009

Troy - Did you know it was in Turkey?

During a business trip to Marmara and Aegean region, Bruno had the opportunity to visit the famous city of Troy.

Famous, thanks to Homere and it's legend of Troyan horse. Yeah, apparently it's a legend and we are not even sure there have been a war in Troy (no sign of destruction). Homere was probably one the most famous ever writer/poet. He was from Izmir, Turkey, 200 miles from Troy.

You can see 2 Troyan horses of course: the one from the movie (with B. Pitt) and one from the Turkish tourism chamber. Do you know which one is what???

The site by itself was disappointing.

Troy has a very big history (from minus 3000 BC till 700 AC) and it's like visiting 9 cities stack together on 3 m deep (See picture of the differents cities). You have all mix together Roman, Greek, Troyan... remainings. Very difficult to picture our the cities looked like for novices like us.

On the top, how it was. Below, what's left.