Friday, July 3, 2009

Isparta Roses

Isparta is famous for its roses and their essences.
Bruno had the opportunity to visit a plant where they extract all kinds of essantials oils for the perfume industry in Grace (nutmeg, lavender, pepper, roses, ...)
The plant really looks like a rum distillery, famous place where Sabine had been working while we were in Martinique.

In order to make 1 liter of rose essantial oils, you need 300 KG of petals (harvested by hand !!!).

You can imagine now why there are 30,000 Ha of roses in the surrounding areas of Isparta.

The roses are specific types. There are bush plants and only use for distilation (not possible to use them for ornamentation).
It was quite a nice tour. We bring back various samples of these essantials oils. But, we didn't get the expected effects, women were not interested at all in these smells (too concentrated). If you know a 'nez', please let us know how to transform these highly concentrated oils into wonderful perfume. Then Bruno's present will be a hit :-)
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