Saturday, June 13, 2009

Aida - Aspendos

What a magical moment !!!
45 minutes from home, there is a roman antic amphitheater where there is, every summer a classic festival. The opening was this week with Aida, an opera from Verdi.
It was wonderful!!! I've never seen an opera of this quality:
magical place (Aspendos is 2000 years old), wonderful acoustic, incredible costumes and scenery, around 200 characters (even 3 horses showed up).
It was a 4 hours opera (we came back home at 2:00 AM, it didn't happen to us in a while), we're quite tired today with Baptiste waking up at 6:30 AM but no regret at all. This evening under the stars was unique.
We're looking forward going back to Aspendos with Carmen on Friday and probably Gisele on Tuesday. We know how lucky we are to have the opportunity to see show of this quality.
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  1. c'est super beau ! as-tu passe un deal avec la securite pour pouvoir infiltrer ta camera ?!

  2. Le cadre, la musique, ça avait l'air extra...

  3. Oh Sabine, you are killing me! There just isn't anything like that here, and it looks so amazing. I would love an evening like that! I'm so happy for you and your family that you have access to such wonders.
