Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Easter out of Tucson

It was our first Easter egg hunt out of Tucson, can you believe it??? Yeah, we moved to Tucson when Maelle was 6 months old.
It was quite a different atmosphere for us this year and we missed Kirsten & Erik' party.
Easter is not celebrated in Turkey and the Christian community is very small in Antalya (the only mass is in german). So it's difficult to really feel Easter here.
But we had a good time. We've been invited by a german couple for a BBQ and an egg hunt in the country side of Antalya.
This day was also the first moment in Antalya of Chou2 & Virginie, our first friends who came to visit us.
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  1. good to know that you had fun!!

  2. Bah dis donc, le baptiste semble tout à son affaire!!!
