Yes, we got our moving from Tucson. We had to wait over a year but it was worth it. The kids are very happy to rediscover their toys... It's like having a part of our life back.
We live at the 10th floor. So it was quite an adventure to get our stuff.
Nice elevator, isn't it...
We could see the elevator from far away.
An if you have vertigo fear, this is not a job for you... Do you see the small man down?
Here, for those of you who knew our previous houses in Tucson, you will probably recognize our living room. Special thought for Erik & Kirsten, your old wooden table made it to Antalya but it was quite an adventure for the movers: it didn't fit in the elevator so they had to carry it up by using the stairs... 10 floors.
But the results is very nice and we're very happy.